Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Youth and Adult Partnership

Hey! Some of you may not know that I present workshops at various venues across the country. In more recent times (in the last year or so), I've entered into an agreement with my son Melchor to present together at every gathering that I am asked to present. This idea comes out of the Kellogg Leadership for Community Change project that focused on Youth & Adult Partnerships. We came to a number of understandings revolving around this idea:

~If we are trying to inspire Youth & Adult Partnerships, at the very least we should model it.

~As an adult, I have many experiences that may be useful to young people.

~As a youth, Melchor has the viewpoint of a young person THAT IS OFTEN OVERLOOKED.

~We are committed to presenting empowering information that is understandable & engaging to people of all ages.

~We are committed to presenting something that is memorable.

~We are committed to presenting something that is useful.

~We are committed to having fun with each other and with the participants.

At any rate, we are growing as a team and I believe that it is something that is healthy and empowering for our relationship.

The reason I am explaining the above is for two reasons:

1) If you have an interest for this type of work, let me know-- We'd love to come out and work with you!

2) We follow a philosophy of liberating our workshop material out into the community. With that, my next post will be the actual outline and description of the activities from our last workshop at the Students of Color Conference in Yakima, WA. I hope it might be helpful for you.

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